By this clip in your studies, to go a Rune Sorcerer, you should have got a mental temple built. This volition be your favourite chair or separate room, where you will carry on your Rune work.
Let no 1 else sit down in your chair or touching your tools. You desire to imbue your chair and tools with your vibes alone.
Once you have got gone through all the preliminary Rune Sorcery exercises, you will be doing all your Rune work with your mind.
That is one of the major differences between a Rune Magician and a Rune Sorcerer. A Rune Magician utilizes his physical tools, and have got to have them available at all time.
A Rune Sorcerer have built with his ain mind, mental mental images and vibrate frequences of all of his tools. He transports them mentally where ever he travels and can utilize them any where, at any time.
Use your Charming Rune Notebook daily. Put in it your ideas about what you are doing and your results, positive or negative, with your Rune working.
As you go on to meditate on the Runes every day, you volition soon construct some resonant frequence electrical circuits within you that will pull ideas about the Runes on a higher level.
The Laws of Measure Physics state us that everything that ever was, is or will be is contained in the infinite ocean of living, thinking energy called the Measure Ocean, Mind of God.
All the past Rune Edgar Lee Masters are there, Odin is there, the great Rune Sorcerers are there. They are all tuned into the same band-width (channel) of frequencies.
By meditating and studying your Runes, you will eventually do the vibrational connexion with them. You will then both have and convey messages to and from them through the Power of Mental Radionics. Take short letters for they may not have got got any significance for you now, maybe it is no more than than a "seed-thought", which will blossom itself to you at a future date.
Continue external respiration in the individual Runes; until you have a clear. concise mental mental image of each one. This volition be a mental mental image that you can name up and undertaking at any time.
In our last lesson, we talked about protecting yourself and your temple country by using the Rune Thorn, (Thurisaz, Thor's hammer.)
You are mentally building six Irritant Runes (about 4 -5 feet in height) around yourself and your temple, (chair or room.)
Now, you will spread out these Irritant Runes to include your Home and Property.
After you have got successfully imaged the 6 Irritant Runes, in presence of you, behind you, to your right, to your left, above and below you ------ Undertaking them outwards.
Project the Irritant Rune that is presence of you to your place line to your front. Brand this 1 10 feet high, shining and vibrating power, Runic protective energy. Undertaking one behind you to your place line, 10 ft tall. Image 1 to your left place line and one to your right place line. Undertaking a Rune Irritant consecutive above you, about five feet above the roof of your house. Again this volition be 10 feet in size, vibrating and pulsating. Undertaking one below your feet down past the flooring of your cellar, cellar or crawl space. About five feet down into the Earth will be fine.
Now sit down there and pour mental energy from your Aura into your six, 10 ft Runes. Your beginning of Runic energy in your Aura is limitless because you have got made a mental Radionics connexion to the infinite beginning of Runic Energy in the Measure Ocean.
Every twenty-four hours constructs this Runic, Etheric, Protective Energy shield around your place and property.
Next clip we will speak about protecting your household and loved ones.